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Do you feel your life is not quite how you imagined it would be?

Dead end job, stuck in a total rut?

Asking yourself 

"Is this what my life has become?"

Time feels like it's speeding up and running out? 

It's now or never...

It is never too late...I was 40!

Imagine your life...

Waking up each day choosing how you spend your day?

No longer feeling drained or dread, but inspired to pursue creating meaningful work that makes a positive impact. 

Finding your voice & your vision and revealing it to the world.

Never having to retire, because your dreams are not 'work'.

No longer doubting why you are here?

Your time is now!

Are you a Creator, Artist, Mentor, Change Maker, Healer, Empath, Introvert or a Multidimensional Cosmonaut?

The Magnetic Clarity Course is the perfect compass to finding your true path.

We attract what we believe, so before you manifest more of what you DON'T want.

Take a leap straight into

your 360° divinely designed life

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Ladies, let's get real for a sec.

I'm not here to sugarcoat things, I'm here to tell it like it is - you're not too old, too late, or too anything to discover what truly sets your soul on fire.


SO, don't waste any more time watching others build their big life or, even worse, helping them build theirs at your own expense.

Breaking free from the shackles of doubt and fear isn't easy, but WAY EASIER than your Inner Saboteur wants you to believe, and it'll be worth it.


That's where I come in. I'll help you gain the clarity and confidence you need to embrace your very big life.

And yeah, I may have a dry sense of humor, but don't get it twisted - I'm compassionate AF and genuinely want to help you unleash your inner X-Factor.


So, maintain your curiosity and make your big dreams a reality. Then dream even bigger ones!

The methods in Magnetic Clarity, helps pixelate your vision and reveals a roadmap on how to be a magnet for success! 


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What is blocking your Superpower?

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Listen to Tatiana Story

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Martina is very skilled at assisting you to uncover those patterns & behaviours that are impeding you from achieving your goals.

She does this with empathy, compassion, a sense of humour & a little tough love if required.

I would highly recommend anything this woman does.

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Ever since that first session, I’ve been working with her for various reasons & every session is enlightening, it feels so good. I can’t thank her enough and I wholeheartedly recommend her to whoever is struggling yet open and curious to navigate their habits and behaviours and be a better self.

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Martina is AMAZING! The sense of lightness, clarity and empowerment after my sessions with Martina has allowed me to make progress in my business and personal life.

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Martina has the ability to tap into your subconscious and pinpoint times in your past that would go on to effect your decision making process further on in your life.

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Martina has the knowledge to join the dots and notice patterns in your behaviour that I wouldn't have noticed myself. I couldn't recommend her work enough. Now I have the tools to use forever

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Martina has the ability to tap into your subconscious and pinpoint times in your past that would go on to effect your decision making process further on in your life. Martina has the knowledge to join the dots and notice patterns in your behaviour that I wouldn't have noticed myself.

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